Math 375 (Fall 2021)

Topics in Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra

Canvas link for this class is here.

Professor: Caglar Uyanik (he/him/his)

Lecture Times and Location: TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM 1313 Sterling Hall

Office Hours: TR 11AM-12PM online via zoom ( See canvas for a link)

Teaching Assistant: Nathan Nicholson

Section 301: MW 12:05 PM - 12:55 PM at 2108 Chamberlin Hall

Section 302: MW 1:20PM-2:10PM at B119 Van Vleck Hall

Office Hours for the TA: TR 1-2PM at 420 Van Vleck Hall (or via zoom upon request).


The textbook is Calculus, Vol. II by Tom Apostol, 2nd edition

We will cover most of chapters 1-4, chapter 8, and some of chapter 9.

Midterms and Final:

There will be two in class midterm exams and a final exam during which you will have access to a letter sized summary sheet you prepare on your own.

Exam 1: Thursday, October 14

Exam 2: Thursday, November 11

Final Exam: Wednesday, December 22


Assignments will be given in Canvas on a weekly basis. Completed assignments will be submitted electronically via Canvas. Scans in pdf format are preferred. Each assignment will be worth 30 points. Two problems in the assignment will be marked with an asterisk and those will be graded carefully for 10 points each. The remaining 10 points will be given based on completion of the assignment. The lowest two homework assignments will be dropped.

You may work in groups (in fact encouraged!), but each of you must hand in your own work in your own words. Solutions that correspond verbatim with those of your classmates will not be accepted.

Although the internet is a great resource, I urge you to use it wisely. In particular, I request that you do not search for the problems appearing on the assignments. Looking up definitions is OK, looking up (or asking about) problems online is not.


Each exam is worth 25% of your grade. Your section grade is also worth another 25%. Section grade is based on homework (20%) and section participation (5%).

You belong:

If you are registered for this course, you belong here. I believe in the following axioms:

Axiom 1: Mathematical talent is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.

Axiom 2: Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.

Axiom 3: Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.

Axiom 4: Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.