This page is in progress, but contains important information if you are planning to ask me to a write a recommendation letter.  Information on this page is shamelessly stolen from my friend Siddhi. 

The first thing to note: writing letters is a part of my job, and I am happy to do it! However, it does take some time to do it well. So, please follow these guidelines to make it easy for me to write the best letter possible. 

1) Please email me asking for the letter, along with a brief summary of why and how we know each other. Do your best to tell me at least 4 weeks before your first deadline. (I can sometimes provide letters on shorter notice, but I cannot guarantee it!) If I do not feel I am the right choice to write the letter, I will say so.  I want to make sure you can submit the best application possible, which means I want you to have enough time to find an alternative if necessary (this is another reason for the 4 weeks notice).

2) I might l ask to meet with you, either in person or over Zoom. This is typically a short meeting, lasting at most 30 minutes. You should be prepared to tell me:

3) If/once I agree to write the letter, you should send me all of the following materials ASAP (but definitely at least 3 weeks before your first deadline). You can either email me these documents in a single email, or send me a link to a google drive folder with all of these materials:

4) Once I submit my letter, I will email you to confirm that I've sent it in. If you haven't heard from me within 48 hours of the deadline, please feel free to send me a reminder!